Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 10 At the Franklin Institute

 It took only about 45 minutes from to motel to get to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. One of the exhibits there was something called the mirror maze. 

The first image is when we were entering.

The second image is when we were deep in the maze.

There really wasn't a point to the maze but it was a fun thing to do.  

The mirror maze was part of an exhibit that was about patterns in nature.  It emphasized proportion, Fibonacci numbers, spirals, fractals and Voronoi patterns.  Frankly I didn't really understand the point the exhibit was trying to make (my thought was, 'well, so patterns exist in nature - so what'). The museum's post on this exhibit is here.

The third image is an aluminum cast of an ant colony (fractal type pattern).


The fourth image shows a computer analysis of the proportions of a part of my body.

The Franklin Institute had an exhibit on virtual reality VR). It was one of the first such exhibits in the US (probably the world also). 

Ann took a trip along the bottom of an undersea well.

I took a trip through a blood vessel and another in a water tank wearing astronaut attire to prepare for zero gravity work. 

The VR exhibits were nice but they were not current technology as they didn't allow the person wearing the VR goggles to actively participate in their experience. 

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